Wyrd Assembly Instructions

As this blog entry explains, I wanted to create a more balanced review and set of instructions for the new Wyrd plastics.  This then is a summary from myself and my gaming friends of the complexity and things to look for when assembling each of Wyrd's new plastic kits.  Kits only get reviewed and our take on assembly as we open them.   Alternatively I've been able to find unboxing vids for all the released kits, so have look for yourself.

If you haven't already, check out the link above for an explaination of the scoring system and my top ten assembly tips, to make assembling any of the new plastics go smoother.


Relic Hunters Boxed Set - 4 stars (initial review)
Relic Hunter Close Up Video
So far I've assembled the Westrels, Luna  and Sidir.  Sidir and Luna are easy fives, nice easy kits.   The Westrels were also relatively easy, although the pose with the cane behind his head is a little difficult to seat correctly.

I've gotten Lucas's horse together after having to pull it apart and inset the tail (hint on dry fitting) but the rest will have to wait.

Guild Riflemen - 2 stars
Riflemen Unboxing Video (Time Index 1:00 - 5:40)
It's a trickier than average kit.   There are some small pouches and knives that are particularly difficult to affix.   I needed tweezers to place and hold these parts.   I also think the order you assemble is worth mentioning.   You'll find that arm placement and the shoulders of the raincoat are best dry fitted to work out which should be applied first, it differed from model to model.  Lastly, the positioning of the crouching riflemen requires that the sword is glued at its point onto the cloth of his jacket.

Pathfinder and Clockwork Traps - TBA


Master of the Paths Boxed Set - TBA
MotP Boxed Set Unboxing

Izamu - 4 stars
BoLS Review - Izamu (Time Index 5:40 - 10:44)
Izamu is nice and simple providing you ensure you glue in the arrows into the torso before adding the arms.   Do it after, and it becomes a little tricker, with the arrow under his arm pit being particularly tricky after gluing the arm.  

Izamu was my first kit and is the reason I came up with mynas embody tips and this page.

Yin, The Penangalan - TBA

Toshiro - TBA


Rail Worker Boxed Set - TBA
RW Boxed Set Unboxing

Rail Golem - TBA
Rail Golem Unboxing

Willy the Demolitionist - TBA
Willy Boxed Set Unboxing



Dark Debts Boxed Set - TBA
Dark Debts Box Set Unboxing

Mr Graves - TBA
Graves Unboxing

Mr Tannen - TBA
Tannen Unboxing


Ama No Zako - TBA

Friekcorps Strongarm Suit - TBA
Strongarm Unboxing

Vanessa - TBA

Burt Jensen - TBA
Burt Unboxing

Gracie - TBA

Wong - TBA


Ten Thunders

Ten Thunders Boxed Set - TBA
Ten Thunders Box Set Unboxing

Yamaziko - TBA
Yamiziko Unboxing

Oiran - TBA
Oiran Unboxing

Ten Thunders Archers - TBA
Ten Thunders Unboxing

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