That all said a glut of mince pies and time with my family has left this blog a bit neglected in the last couple of weeks, something ill now remedy...
So how did my goal setting for December turn out?
Achievement - Unlocked - Get Kirai crew dispatched to my commission painter
Ok so it was little more than a bit of packaging but its still an important milestone to have finally gotten this one off in the post.
The good news is my crew survived the trek accross Auz and are now in the hands of luke from The Sound of Machines commission painting service. Luke hasn't really started on these yet, but he's established a folder on his Facebook page where WIP shots will be unveiled. Link below:
TSOM Kirai Album
Achievement - Unlocked - Get Nicodem crew assembled
With Kirai out of the way, I turned my sights to my next Resser master, Nicodem. This would have been a relatively small group to upscale my existing minions up, if it wasn't for the need for so many zombies. In the end, I ended up assembling:
Alt Nicodem
Avatar Nicodem
3 x Punk zombies
3 x Necro punks
I still have mindless zombies to make up, I'll do the three official ones, so I'm tournament prepared, but I'll probably end up sourcing another 9 or so, so that I can hoard it up if required.
Achievement - Unlocked - Get Starter Crew Assembled
The recent activity at KRAGS around stated crews and intro games has left me needing a starter crew I can hand to whoever I'm teaching
I rummaged through my pile of shame and decided to sell on the Kaeris boxed set and Iggy to one of the guys at the club, which left me a solid Victorias crew to use as a starter set. I've alway liked the Vicks, they can deal out and absorb a serious amount of damage and there's no denying having two masters can be better than one.
I managed to get assembled the Vickies boxed set, some Ronin and my student of conflict. I'm having real troubles pinning my sword Vicky, but I'm still calling this achievement since they've now seen one game. This might be the first crew I paint myself as I only intend to use it for demos.
Achievement - Locked - Get two brawl sized games in
Not a chance, and I'm worried a about that as there's one brawl as part of the Cancon tournament and I really need to decide which masters ill be taking to that. I need to get some brawls in January to standard chance at being ready.
Achievement - Unlocked - Get 2013 Malifaux Inter Club off the ground
Faux Pas is an interclub league we have going between the KRAGS and Outpost South. The intention is to bring the relatively small groups at each club together through a year of events aimed at rebuilding the Malifaux community.
Achievement - Locked - Get Crystal Canyons board completed
With the best will in the world I planned to get this one completed over my Xmas break and I probably still will, it just won't be before the end of December. We're having something of heat wave and I admit I've done little to nothing on this project. I need to get going on this one as its needed for the inter club at the start of February!
Surprise Faux for December
And then there were the surprised that a month of Malifaux normally brings. I mentioned earlier in the month two kickstarters that any Malifaux fan would want to get in on, sadly the one I backed didn't make to the finish line, something I'd attribute to the timing rather than the quality of the product. Gears and Games promises to return in February with a better mix of products and some more mainstream offerings, I hope they do as I really want some of their boards but I guess time will tell. I continue to resist the Wyrd Through the Breech Kickstarter, more for the sake of my marriage, which just won't tolerate another RPG in my schedule. Lets see if I manage to resist that temptation.
Then there was the release of Yan Lo and Lucas, which just bypassed my defences and had me splurging with 30 minutes of receiving word of their early release.
Lastly on the night before Xmas, as not a soul in the house stirred came the mail from Wyrd that made my Xmas - VassalFaux had been born into the world and with it a promise of brighter future. I'll be dedicating a few blog to that particular addition in the near future.
So what's next?
So what does January hold? Well a whole lot of games that's for sure! I am taking part in a summer campaign organised by our local henchman and this time I'll be packing Kirai.
I'm also flying to Canberra to play against the east coast boys and some of the best talent we have in Australia, and of course I'll be cramming like mad with my Malifaux rule book every chance I get, to ensure that I meet my objective from that tourney. My aim is simple - don't come last.... Sounds simple, but Seamus hasn't been good to me so far, or maybe its just that I'm still learning and most of my opponents have been playing for years, maybe it's the cards. Whatever it is, this is one Ressurectionist, who aspires to be better, and who has hopefully done enough practice and theory hammering to step up his game, just a notch.
Keep your Aethervox tuned in to see how I do.
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