Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Malifaux Board for Beginners - Part 6 - Adding Insignificant to Progress

It feels like a while since I posted any progress on this project, real life seems to always be getting in the way. Here it is and its going to be a bit random as I've been doing bits in various areas, rather than a concentrate effort in one.

So first of all, in order to take this board to the next level, I finished off the laying of the paving style vinyl and then laid down a lot of basing sand in the gaps left by the older style brickwork.

I'm pretty happy with this has turned out, although the vinyl was a pain to cut, and I've had more than one comment about how it would have been a lot easier just to have laid the vinyl and then glued the GW movement trays on top of it. Yes it would have been easier, but I think it would have looked a lot cleaner. That for me would have been a bad thing, I wanted a real hodgepodge of materials laid down in a haphazard way.

Whilst that was drying, I knocked out my first bit of terrain for this board, a victorian beam engine that was one giant mould line. You really do appreciate how good modern kits are when you take on something that's a decade or more older. With something like 200 pieces, most of which are tiny rivets and bolts, it was a challenging afternoon but its left me with a big LOS blocking piece of terrain that i think is in character with the rest of this Arcanist den.

I've also spent some time on the outer board, where the colours of the two factions are now present. I must have had a dodgy can of spray because the little red area on one of the sidelines is mottled. Something I'll have to sand back and repaint.

I tried masking off the lines and painting those up on the Ten Thunders side with limited results, unfortunately the paint has bled under the masking tape and the lines aren't as crisp as I would have liked, more touch up work there!

I also received through the counters that will be inset into the soulstone and victory tracks, but they have languished on my pile of shame this week as I press on with the board.

And lastly the Arcanist board itself, which after receiving a heavy undercoat, is now painstakingly receiving its first coat. I'm giving each brick a 70/30 base drybrush in mecharite red and Chaos black. I'll the go at the bricks with two colours, probably adding some muted oranges to give some areas a more modern brick colour. This will then contrast with the concrete colour I'll give to the GW paving and the worn Victorian colours I'll do for the older style pavers. I'll then grime these up with oil affects and then tie it together with snow flock.

And because the nights are getting colder and I've been told to clean up my mess, I spent a good few hours this weekend taming my gaming room. It was an utter tip, but as you can see its a lot tidier....

That pile behind the WIP board is my Malifaux pile(s) of shame, there must be close to 100 models in various states of assembly.

And my paint station isn't any better. There's Lucas and crew, Izamu and some punk zombies all ready to go. If only I had more time!

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